Upcoming Atmospheric Change - Coming February 2025
We would like to notify you about upcoming changes to our Atmospheric weather API parameters, which may affect your data processing and integration. Depending on your chosen parameters, you may be impacted by one or more of these changes. This will be deployed as an immediate switchover.
Pressure Level (ISBL) and Height Level (AGL) vertical level changes
Pressure Level (ISBL) and Height level (AGL) values will no longer include a decimal point and will be presented as whole numbers (e.g., 10000.0 will be 10000).
Example of how this will change file naming:
If you are taking this file:
It will become:
DBLY Vertical Level - Ranges
The vertical Depth Levels (DBLY) will be presented as ranges instead of mid-point decimal values.
Current DBLY level value | Corrected DBLY level value | File names change example |
0.05m | 0\10cm | dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_0.05_+RR Will become: dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_0-10cm_+RR |
0.225m | 10\35cm | dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_0.225_+RR Will become: dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_10-35cm_+RR |
0.675m | 35\100cm | dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_0.675_+RR Will become: dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_35-100cm _+RR |
2.0m | 100\300cm | dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_2.0_+RR Will become: dbly_soil-moisture+soil-temperature_100-300cm _+RR |
Note: The corrected level values will use a hyphen instead of the backslash as shown in the examples above.
Cloud Base Cover – Multiple Levels
The cloudbaseforcloudcover
parameters in our API will support multiple levels, replacing the previous single-value format.
ASL geometric altitude
This change will affect the Global deterministic 10km and MOGREPS-G models.
The following parameters will be merged into a single parameter:
- geometric-altitude-asl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-2p5-oktas
- geometric-altitude-asl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-4p5-oktas
The new single parameter will have multiple levels available (31.25 and 56.25) and will be called:
- geometric-altitude-asl
The parameter previously ending in 2p5-oktas will now be geometric-altitude-asl at 31.25, 4p5-oktas will be 56.25.
Example of how this will change file naming:
If you are taking this file:
It will become:
AGL geometric height
This change will affect the UK deterministic 2km model.
The following parameters will be merged into a single parameter:
- geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-0p1-oktas
- geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-2p5-oktas
- geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-4p5-oktas
The new single parameter will have multiple levels available (1.25, 31.25 and 56.25) and will be called:
- geometric-height-agl
The parameter previously ending in 0p1-oktas will now be geometric-height-agl at 1.25, 2p5-oktas will be 31.25 and 4p5-oktas will be 56.25.
Example of how this will change file naming:
If you are taking this file:
It will become:
Parameter name corrections
We are correcting the parameter names for the following parameters. The table below outlines the parameters being corrected and examples of how this will change file naming.
Current parameter name | Corrected parameter name | Level types affected | Models affected | File names change example |
geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | mixedlayercapeequil, mostunstcapeequil, effinflowlayertop |
Global 10km, UK 2km (Standard), MOGREPS-G |
mixedlayercapeequil_geopotential-height_+RR Will become: mixedlayercapeequil_ geometric-altitude-asl_+RR |
geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | effinflowlayerbase | Global 10km, UK 2km (Standard) |
effinflowlayerbase_geopotential-height_+RR Will become: effinflowlayerbase_geometric-altitude-asl_+RR |
geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level | geometric-altitude-asl | mudl | Global 10km, UK 2km (Standard), MOGREPS-G |
mudl_geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level_+RR Will become: mudl_geometric-altitude-asl_+RR |
geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level | geometric-altitude-asl | wbzeroisotherm | Global 10km, UK 2km (Standard) |
wbzeroisotherm_geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level_+RR Will become: wbzeroisotherm_geometric-altitude-asl_+RR |
fog-fraction | fraction-of-cloud-cover | agl | Global 10km, UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long), MOGREPS-G |
agl_fog-fraction_+RR Will become: agl_fraction-of-cloud-cover_+RR |
snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h | ground | Global 10km, MOGREPS-G |
ground_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h_+RR Will become: ground_large-scale_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h_+RR |
snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h | ground | Global 10km, MOGREPS-G |
ground_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h_+RR Will become: ground_large-scale_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h_+RR |
snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h | ground | Global 10km | ground_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h_+RR Will become: ground_large-scale_snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h_+RR |
total-lightning-flash-accumulation-1h | total-lightning-flash-density-1h | atmosphere | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long), MOGREPS-UK |
atmosphere_total-lightning-flash-accumulation-1h_+RR Will become: atmosphere_total-lightning-flash-density-1h_+RR |
total-lightning-flash-accumulation-3h | total-lightning-flash-density-3h | atmosphere | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long) |
atmosphere_total-lightning-flash-accumulation-3h_+RR Will become: atmosphere_total-lightning-flash-density-3h_+RR |
geometric-height-above-ground-level | geometric-height-agl | isbl | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long) |
isbl_geometric-height-above-ground-level_+RR Will become: isbl_geometric-height-agl_+RR |
geometric-height-above-ground-level | geometric-height-agl | wbzeroisotherm, zeroisotherm |
UK 2km (Standard) | wbzeroisotherm_geometric-height-above-ground-level_2024051403 Will become: wbzeroisotherm_geometric-height-agl_2024051403 |
rain-precipitation-accumulation-1h | rainfall-accumulation-1h | ground | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long), MOGREPS-UK |
ground_rain-precipitation-accumulation-1h_+RR Will become: ground_rainfall-accumulation-1h_+RR |
rain-precipitation-accumulation-3h | rainfall-accumulation-3h | ground | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long) |
ground_rain-precipitation-accumulation-3h_+RR Will become: ground_rainfall-accumulation-3h_+RR |
total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent | ground | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long), MOGREPS-UK |
ground_total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent_+RR Will become: ground_snowfall-rate-water-equivalent_+RR |
total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h | ground | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long) |
ground_total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h_+RR Will become: ground_snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h_+RR |
total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h | ground | UK 2km (Standard), UK 2km (Lat-long) |
ground_total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h_+RR Will become: ground_snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h_+RR |
dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns | isbl, agl | Global 10km | agl_dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1_5.0_+RR Will become: agl_dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns_5.0_+RR |
dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns | isbl, agl | Global 10km | agl_dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2_5.0_+RR Will become: agl_dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns_5.0_+RR |
GRIB changes
The grib codes for the following parameters will be changing:
Parameter Name | Level type | Current parameter ID | New parameter ID | Current GRIB Code | New GRIB Code |
Height (ASL) at base of convective inflow | effinflowlayerbase | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | 0-3-5 | 0-3-33 |
Height (ASL) at top of convective inflow | effinflowlayertop | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | 0-3-5 | 0-3-33 |
Height (ASL) at mixed layer CAPE equilibrium level | mixedlayercapeequil | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | 0-3-5 | 0-3-33 |
Height (ASL) at most unstable CAPE equilibrium level | mostunstcapeequil | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl | 0-3-5 | 0-3-33 |
Height (ASL) of most unstable departure level | mudl | geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level | geometric-altitude-asl | 0-3-192 (local) | 0-3-33 |
Dust mass mixing ratio (division 1) | isbl | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns | 0-13-193 (local) | 0-20-193 (local) |
Dust mass mixing ratio (division 1) | agl | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns | 0-13-193 (local) | 0-20-193 (local) |
Dust mass mixing ratio (division 2) | isbl | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns | 0-13-194 (local) | 0-20-194 (local) |
Dust mass mixing ratio (division 2) | agl | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns | 0-13-194 (local) | 0-20-194 (local) |
Other changes
- If you are using the SubCentre provided in the GRIB2 files, this is being updated from 5 to its correct value 0.
What action is required?
If you take data for any of the parameters that are being updated, and have file names hard coded into your scripts and integrations, you will need to update to accommodate new file naming formats to avoid disruption to your service. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
To get your exact filename updates please call the order latest endpoint after this release has been implemented, as specified above. Details on how to do this can be found on the documentation page.
For best practice, we suggest avoiding hard coding file names in your scripts and integrations. Instead, dynamically pull these file names to minimise the impact of similar changes in the future. This approach will help ensure your workflows and data handling processes remain robust and adaptable to updates in our API.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we strive to improve our services. If you have any questions or need assistance with this transition, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
Technical lookup
On this page we use some IDs for model, parameters and level types that are returned by our API. These are often abbreviations of their full display names used on our website. To avoid any confusion, below are the IDs generated by our API along with the corresponding display names shown on our website.
ID | Display name |
mo-global | Global 10km |
mo-uk | UK 2km (Standard) |
mo-uk-latlon | UK 2km (Lat-long) |
mo-mogrepsg | MOGREPS-G |
mo-mogrepsuk | MOGREPS-UK |
Level types
ID | Display name |
isbl | Pressure Level (isbl x 33) |
agl | Height level (agl x 34) |
dbly | Depth Level (dbly x 4) |
cloudbaseforcloudcover | Cloud base |
effinflowlayerbase | Effective inflow layer base |
effinflowlayertop | Effective inflow layer top |
mixedlayercapeequil | Mixed layer CAPE equilibrium |
mostunstcapeequil | Most unstable CAPE equilibrium |
mudl | Most unstable departure level |
wbzeroisotherm | Wet bulb freezing level |
zeroisotherm | Freezing level |
ground | Ground |
atmosphere | Atmosphere |
Level types affected | Current parameter Name | New parameter Name | Current parameter ID | New parameter ID |
Cloud base | Height (ASL) of 2p5 oktas cloud base | Height (ASL) of cloud base | geometric-altitude-asl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-2p5-oktas | geometric-altitude-asl |
Cloud base | Height (ASL) of 4p5 oktas cloud base | Height (ASL) of cloud base | geometric-altitude-asl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-4p5-oktas | geometric-altitude-asl |
Cloud base | Height (AGL) of 0p1 oktas cloud base | Height (AGL) of cloud base | geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-0p1-oktas | geometric-height-agl |
Cloud base | Height (AGL) of 2p5 oktas cloud base | Height (AGL) of cloud base | geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-2p5-oktas | geometric-height-agl |
Cloud base | Height (AGL) of 4p5 oktas cloud base | Height (AGL) of cloud base | geometric-height-agl-at-cloud-base-where-cloud-cover-4p5-oktas | geometric-height-agl |
Mixed layer CAPE equiibrium | Height (ASL) at mixed layer CAPE equilibrium level | Height (ASL) at mixed layer CAPE equilibrium level | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl |
Most unstable CAPE equilibrium | Height (ASL) at most unstable CAPE equilibrium level | Height (ASL) at most unstable CAPE equilibrium level | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl |
Effective inflow layer top | Height (ASL) at top of convective inflow | Height (ASL) at top of convective inflow | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl |
Effective inflow layer base | Height (ASL) at base of convective inflow | Height (ASL) at base of convective inflow | geopotential-height | geometric-altitude-asl |
Most unstable departure level | Height (ASL) of most unstable departure level | Height (ASL) of most unstable departure level | geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level | geometric-altitude-asl |
Wet bulb freezing level | Height (ASL) of wet bulb freezing level | Height (ASL) of wet bulb freezing level | geometric-altitude-above-mean-sea-level | geometric-altitude-asl |
Height level (agl x 34) | Fog fraction at 1.5m | Fraction of cloud cover at 1.5m | fog-fraction | fraction-of-cloud-cover |
Ground | Snowfall accumulation - 1 hour | Large scale snowfall accumulation - 1 hour | snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-1h |
Ground | Snowfall accumulation - 3 hour | Large scale snowfall accumulation - 3 hour | snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-3h |
Ground | Snowfall accumulation - 6 hour | Large scale snowfall accumulation - 6 hour | snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h | large-scale-snowfall-accumulation-water-equivalent-6h |
Atmosphere | Lightning flash accumulation - 1 hour | Lightning flash density - 1 hour | total-lightning-flash-accumulation-1h | total-lightning-flash-density-1h |
Atmosphere | Lightning flash accumulation - 3 hour | Lightning flash density - 3 hour | total-lightning-flash-accumulation-3h | total-lightning-flash-density-3h |
Pressure Level (isbl x 33) | Geometric height | Geometric height | geometric-height-above-ground-level | geometric-height-agl |
Freezing level | Height (AGL) at freezing level | Height (AGL) at freezing level | geometric-height-above-ground-level | geometric-height-agl |
Wet bulb freezing level | Height (AGL) of wet bulb freezing level | Height (AGL) of wet bulb freezing level | geometric-height-above-ground-level | geometric-height-agl |
Ground | Rainfall accumulation - 1 hour | Rainfall accumulation - 1 hour | rain-precipitation-accumulation-1h | rainfall-accumulation-1h |
Ground | Rainfall accumulation - 3 hour | Rainfall accumulation - 3 hour | rain-precipitation-accumulation-3h | rainfall-accumulation-3h |
Ground | Snowfall rate | Snowfall rate | total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent |
Ground | Snowfall rate - 1 hour maxiumum | Snowfall rate - 1 hour maxiumum | total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-1h |
Ground | Snowfall rate - 3 hour maximum | Snowfall rate - 3 hour maximum | total-snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h | snowfall-rate-water-equivalent-max-3h |
Pressure Level (isbl x 33) | Dust mass mixing ratio (division 1) | Dust mass mixing ratio (0.2-4.0 microns) | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns |
Height level (agl x 34) | Dust mass mixing ratio (division 1) | Dust mass mixing ratio (0.2-4.0 microns) | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-1 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-0.2-4.0-microns |
Pressure Level (isbl x 33) | Dust mass mixing ratio (division 2) | Dust mass mixing ratio (4.0-20.0 microns) | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns |
Height level (agl x 34) | Dust mass mixing ratio (division 2) | Dust mass mixing ratio (4.0-20.0 microns) | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-division-2 | dust-mass-mixing-ratio-4.0-20.0-microns |